TTA passing training exercises

by Helle



You will find in the app a collection of training exercises (pass exercises) for juniors and seniors.The exercises can be done indoors or on the lawn.You will find exercises for beginners, advanced and professionals. Easy two-handed exercises up to complex training exercises involving 10, 12 or even more players at the same time.In the collection you will find endless exercises that are good for warming up, intensive exercises with several balls in parallel.Various exercises from triangle, quadrilateral to complexes.Under a passport man in football visualizes the passing of the ball to a player of his own team.The passing game is an important element of football:Varations of passing game: flat, high, sharp, soft, with / without a twist, surprising, signaling ...→ we can solve any game session with a good passing game.A fulfilled passing game includes:Timing (timely)Precision (accuracy)Tempo (speed)For the success of a football team, a good passing game is of great importance!From footballers to footballers!